Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded

Learning from History, by Irving W Risch

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We Can Learn From Looking Back At History

What we do today will be history tomorrow. Someone must have said this before me, but this thought just came to my mind.

I just finished a three-part series on “The Challenge of the 70s.” by William McRae. We could easily write things that were in this writing in our day. Some names might have to be changed but I could write about events that are happening today. Let me give you some examples.

Right at the start he said, “It is quite possible that no generation of Christians has ever faced a greater challenge than this present decade presents to us.”

It’s hard to believe we have moved ahead five decades from when he wrote about challenges in his day. It was in his decade that I became a Christian. (September 10, 1979.)

The first thing he brings to light is what Bertrand Russell said about the catastrophic diminution of the population of the globe. He was wrong on this point. In 1970, the population was 3,695,390,336, and today it is 8,086,908,700 and counting. And the second thing he mention, he was right on. Moving toward a one world government. They could even see this happening back some 50 years ago.

I am going to say the same thing he said, “The Political Scene is nothing less than frightening.” True to day as well. He talked about the outbreaks of violence, and I was in my 30s, and turn 40 in 1978 so I saw what was happening back then. I can tell you for a fact, things have gotten much worst. 

Quote, “Time magazine analysts say, ‘The 70s are likely to be a time of chaotic and confused politics.” I agree, and from then on, things got much worse. All one has to do is look at what is happening today.

Back in the 70s you heard these words, the Silent Majority, which was mention by U S President Richard Nixon in a televised address on November 3, 1969, in which he said, “And so tonight—to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans—I ask for your support.” (Taken from Wikipedia.) Also, Francis Schaeffer sees the Establishment elite being so supported by the Silent Majority against the New Left that a totalitarian dictatorship will be a challenge in the 70s. I read some of Francis Schaeffer’s books when I first became a Christian.

The phrase “Deep State” is currently trending. Somehow, people have substituted the idea of the Silent Majority with the Deep State. This goes along with Bertrand Russell’s last prediction, the unification of the world under a single government. We are moving in this direction.

The Bible speaks of this when talking about the Antichrist. He will be the one world leader just before Christ comes to set up his Kingdom here on earth. 

The biggest change I have seen in my lifetime is open sin. Sin that was looked at as discussing is now out in the open and being excepted and praised. Back in the 70s, Time Magazine predicts the protest by minority groups will expand and dissent will become more vocal. According to Time Magazine in the 70s, it predicts that society will come to accept nudity on stage and on the screen, perhaps even outright pornography. Time Magazine in the 70s suggests that society will most likely legalize or condone marijuana. All one has to do is look around.

If it was hard to live a clean moral life back then, all one has to do is look around at what is happening today. If it was hard to live a clean moral life back in the 70s, what do you think about today? And as time goes on, things will just get worst. We are living in morally hard times, and as we draw closer to the last days, all Christians should pray, Come Lord Jesus! We need him to set up His Righteous Kingdom here on earth.

In closing, I just ask one question. Are you ready? Either you are looking forward to the coming of the Lord, or you are fearing His coming.

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